

Thursday, April 8, 2010

EVENT HIGHLIGHT: Detroit Partnership Day

Part of the WWFF crew takes a break from cleaning up Eliza Park; Detroit, MI

On April 3, members of the WILL WORK FOR FOOD Headquarters team participated in Detroit Partnership Day (better known as DP Day). Together, six members of the team spent the day “volunteering locally to save children globally” and helped to make a difference in the lives of others.

The volunteer project took place in the Brightmoor neighborhood of Detroit, where the WILL WORK FOR FOOD team geared up in gloves and old clothing to clean up a park. The team, along with many other University of Michigan volunteers, spent the day beautifying the park and making it a better place for the surrounding residents.

DP Day was extremely successful, allowing over 1,000 students from the University of Michigan to volunteer at over 30 different sites in Detroit’s most poverty stricken areas. The mission of the day was clear: to help the overall state of Detroit. The WILL WORK FOR FOOD team most definitely fulfilled their goals as they actively helped the city of Detroit and contributed to the WILL WORK FOR FOOD mission.

If you are interested in more projects regarding the city of Detroit, please visit www.thedp.org

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