

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Food For Thought: World Hunger vs. World Malnutrition

This week, Food For Thought will help distinguishing features between world hunger and malnutrition.

One major difference between Hunger and Malnutrition is the cause. According to KidsHealth.org, people who have plenty of food to eat can still suffer from malnourishment. If people are not eating the right food that provides the appropriate nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, they could suffer from diseases associated with the deficiency of certain nutrients.

As the article continues, it also mentions that there are some people become malnourished because a disease prevents them from absorbing or receiving the nutrients from food that they intake.

Despite the difference in the cause, world hunger and malnutrition, however, are highly associated in a larger scale. World hunger and malnutrition most predominantly exist in a world of poverty. Solving issues caused by world hunger could help to alleviate world malnutrition in areas where nutritional foods are not abundant. (eatright. org)

The primary goal of WILL WORK FOR FOOD is to raise funds for the distribution of Plumpy'nut® for malnourished children in countries of poverty.

How to get Plumpy'nut®?
Get involved with WILL WORK FOR FOOD!

One hundred percent of the money we raise together will help Doctors Without Borders purchase and distribute nutritional supplements, like Plumpy’nut®, to help save malnourished children.

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